Monday, July 16, 2007

SALVATION: THE CHOICE IS YOURS Part Two By Patricia Saddler (Tuesday, July 17, 2007)





Personally, years ago salvation was a term that I’d heard but didn’t quite know its meaning. I knew it was something that I thought Christians had. I’d heard that it was free, but what was it?
It wasn’t until ten years ago that I actually learned what it meant. Let me say that I accredit that to becoming a member of a church with a strong teaching ministry. In its simplest form salvation is deliverance from the power and penalty of sin. According to GOD’S WORD, when Adam sinned by disobeying GOD, sin entered into all humanity and death was the outcome of that sin. (Rom.5:12) Mankind has a sin nature because Adam is their father.

We (as humans) don’t sin because we want to; we sin because it’s our nature. In other words we’re “naughty by nature”. We lie, we cheat, we over eat, we engage in pre-marital sex, we gossip, we do drugs, we murder, we do all types of sin on many different levels. Regardless of how little or how much, sin is sin in GOD’S eyes and it separates us from fellowship with Him. But GOD in His infinite love for us gave us a solution. John 3:16 reads,” But GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten SON that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” The word loved in the Greek means unconditional love, love by choice, unconquerable benevolence and undefeatable goodwill, never seeking anything but the highest good for mankind.

Many times while on the street witnessing to others about salvation and how much they’re loved, I’ll hear, “You don’t know me. You don’t know what I’ve done in my life.” My response to them is, “That’s true. But GOD knows you. He knows all about you and everything you’ve ever done and he still loves you. He loved Adolph Hitler as much as He loves JESUS. He loved Jeffrey Dalmer as much as He loves JESUS.
He loves you as much as He loves JESUS. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done in your life or what you’re presently doing, He loves you unconditionally just the way you are. You are that whosoever that JESUS died on the cross for to deliver you from eternal damnation. Hell, you don’t want to go there, but in Mark’s words, “it’s your choice.”

Patricia Saddler has been a special education teacher for the past 26 years. She is presently a member of Word of Faith International Christian Center in Southfield, MI. Patricia works in the Outreach ministries at her church and has grown to have a passion for those in need of salvation.


SALVATION; THE CHOICE IS YOURS Part One By Patricia Saddler Guest Writer (Monday, July 16, 2007)

I heard this story from a dear friend of mine and these were her words exactly:
Many years ago my ten year old special education student came up to me while I was on hall duty and eagerly chimed “Teacher, I have something special I’d like to share with the class during “show-n-tell”. Now normally, it’s been a good practice to inquire what it is before it’s presented; however, that morning I said, “Okay,”
Mark said: “Wait until I come in from hall duty.” When I came in I told the children to give Mark their undivided attention as he shared with them during “show-n-tell”. The children sat attentively as Mark began to speak. He said, “This morning class, I’d like to share with you about “salvation”.
My eyes immediately darted to the door as my mind began to race into,”What if the administrators that normally come in our room every morning walked in on his show-n-tell? What would they say? What would they think?” (I could have gotten in a whole heap of trouble my friend said.)
I got up and closed the door praying all the way back to my seat that they wouldn’t come in until Mark was finished. Public schools don’t condone religious conversations in the classroom, but I wasn’t about to stop Mark from sharing his topic. Plus, even though I went to church most Sundays at that time, I wasn’t sure myself exactly what salvation was and was as eager to hear what Mark was so eager to share.
Mark began to tell the children that JESUS wanted them to be “kings and queens” but it was their choice. He said they needed to go to church to find out about JESUS and what He’d done for them which would allow them to be kings and queens. He shared with them how kings and queens should act, but it was their choice.
Mark even gave them a remedy to get to church if they didn’t have parents or grandparents that go to church. The children sat mesmerized as they listened to Mark’s mini- sermon on salvation, as did his teacher. When the administrators finally came through the door apologizing for being late with their personal greeting, the children were calmly working on their bell work with their little spirits filled with Mark’s sermon on salvation.
My friend and I agreed that we’re never too educated, intellectual, or smart to learn from the “so called” least among us. I Corinthians 1:27(a) reads: But GOD hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. Listening to the story about special needs ten year old Mark started me on a quest to find out more about salvation.
My friend told me that she was in such a hurry to share this story with me. She knew that I’d be very excited because I have such passion for the ministry of salvation. She was right.

We welcome Patricia Saddler; long time Prayer Intercessor to our site. The reader will look forward to her bold common sense approach laced with Godly Wisdom. Please tune in tomorrow to read Part Two of this series.