Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Power of the Blessing by Elaine Davenport ( Saturday, October 6, 2007)


And the woman bare a son and called his name Samson: and the child grew and the LORD blessed him. Judges 13: 24
And the spirit of the LORD began to move him at times…Judges 13: 25
The LORD bless thee and keep thee, the LORD make his face shine upon thee: The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace. Numbers 6: 23-27

Blessings to you today. Oh what a wonderful day that it is. We have great cause to rejoice. I pray that all is well with you and with your household. If it isn’t, it will be. The situation has no choice but to change for the better, because you are there and you are BLESSED. You are a mighty person and God values you so much. He has called only you to do great and marvelous things while walking on a path that He called you to walk on. God wants you to be happy, very happy.

I looked up the word Blessed in the Websters 1828 Dictionary and it says: Happy; prosperous in worldly affairs; enjoying spiritual happiness and the favor of God; enjoying heavenly felicity. That word felicity : Happiness, or rather great happiness; blessedness; blissfulness; appropriately, the joys of heaven.

The next thing that I did was to find people in the bible who were Blessed. I began to note not only the joy and the miracles that unfolded in their lives; but the power that came upon them to do supernatural things. This has been noted by many; time after time and case by case. It’s amazing. When Gods Blessing is released, it is a time for great celebration. It’s also IMPORTANT for us as believers to release the Blessing over the lives of others.

I was so excited last week. …
I ran home to tell my children that starting every Friday, the Blessing would be released over their lives. I didn’t know what their reaction would be, but it was a faith statement. They were so excited. “WHAT?” I said in bewilderment. They didn’t want to wait until Friday. I had a good laugh and Hallelujah out of that response. I began to do this with other people and I noted OPEN DOORS.

All of a sudden barriers were falling down; people who had never been receptive to hear anything at all; were all of a sudden very excited! People were not only happy but they were hopeful and faith began to grow. There is power in the Blessing!
Try this link Online for WEBSTERS 1828 definition of POWER:

Blessings & Love, Sister E. Davenport

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