Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Pin the tail on the donkey; or not! By Elaine Davenport (Friday, May 18, 2007)

(For we walk by faith, not by sight:) 2 Corinthians 5: 7

I don't know what games they play at children's birthday parties nowadays. But, when I was a little girl we played pin the tail on the donkey. They put a blindfold over your eyes and stuck a pin in your hand (with a tail on it) and pointed you towards the picture of the donkey. After it was all over, whoever got the closest to the right spot won.

Faith is like that in some ways and in some ways it isn't.

You can't see where you're going by faith. You don't know how you're going to get there. You may as well be blindfolded.

But, it doesn't matter because the angels have been sent to guide you. God will make sure that you get it right. If you by some way get it wrong, you don't lose. God is rich in mercy and He is the God of the 2ND, 3rd, 4Th, etc. chance and you'll get more turns until you win. You just gotta believe! It's not a game, it's your destiny and God has designed it so that you win. Just remember.
