Saturday, June 2, 2007

You've been chosen by Elaine Davenport (Monday, June 4, 2007)

…who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
(KJV) Esther 4: 14

Hello Friend! God Bless you today! You and your family, your friends and their families too. I have been thinking about you for some time. I thank God for you and the example that you give to us all. It is amazing you know, that each person has a special God given characteristic that can bring peace, light, wisdom and joy to someone else. That is how I see you. I’ve been thinking of you and just want to run some things by you. Please join me in prayer when you have a quiet moment, in our effort to continuously send petitions of prayer for those affected by the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Just your one prayer can put a thousand angels to flight. Bless God!

Several years ago, I came off of the freeway driving pretty fast. I had just bought a new car, but I wasn’t excited about that. I was anxious to get home. In my mind I became convinced that I had to see my family before something happened to them. My mind was shooting thoughts: “What if you never see John anymore?” “What is the last thing that you said to him?” “Did you tell him that you loved him?” “Did you tell the children that you loved them?” The questions were coming in rapid succession. I starting driving faster and faster even though I was only four blocks from my house. Smile. Did I have any reason to be anxious? Had I gotten an emergency call summoning me home? The answer to both questions is NO.

By the way, I arrived home and nothing was wrong. As soon as I saw my family I realized that my thoughts were off base. There was no reason for me to panic like that. It was a symptom that something was lacking, that something was needed; but I hadn’t a clue what to do.

Sometimes our bodies send out physical indicators. Sometimes we have financial smoke signals in our lives. Sometimes we have emotional or mental symptoms that bother us. Did you know that we get spiritual symptoms that are sometimes good and sometimes bad?

My feelings on that day were out of control, I experienced fear, worry and anxiety. I had no peace, no true happiness; in fact I didn’t really know what it was (happiness). Looking back I had a “earth” happiness. Joy? What was that? It wasn’t even in my vocabulary because that was just a “seasonal” word. I didn’t have low self esteem; I just had less. My panic in the car was just another outward expression of my hopelessness at that time. During that time, I basically never slept; my mind just raced every night with “what ifs.” It’s a miracle that I didn’t have horrible bags under my eyes and that I was so agreeable most of the time. I knew deep inside that there was a better way for me. I decided to follow that instinct. My search took me on a journey that I will never forget.
Last night, I stayed up so that I could explain it to you. I got “chose.” I know it’s not proper English; but that’s what happened! That’s what we used to say when I was growing up. Smile.

Imagine that you’ve fallen in love. You’ve met someone wonderful; they are the best thing that has ever happened to you. They want the best for you, they love how you look, they applaud your desires, they encourage you and fully support you, they know your past and it doesn’t bother them; they just forget it…permanently never to be brought up again. When you look at them you see nothing but beauty; nothing but LOVE . Wow! For the first time in your life you have met someone with no earthly shortcomings…in other words if you told your friends about this relationship; they’d say: “That’s too good to be true.” That love that you experience has put a fire in you, a passion for the things that are right. You now have a bold confidence that you always saw in others/wanted. You’ve become transformed. You are not your old self. People who knew you before can’t believe the change in you. You’re full of love and have a heart of compassion for others. In fact, you no longer accept strife, you avoid anger, you’ve matured and you no longer judge others; just yourself. All of this has happened because of this wonderful bond that you now have. That’s how it is with God and that’s only the beginning, He’ll be with you forever only loving you more. You can’t even believe it’s real; but you know it is…that’s how you start using the word: “JOY.” In an imperfect world; you have been singled out to have a perfect relationship with Him!

My journey led me to the only solution for me. I gave my life to Christ…fully. I needed some invincibility and I got it. When we are born again, we have eternal invincibility and the devil would love to see us lose it- he brings trials, conflicts and confusion of the financial, the physical, of the mind or in whatever area; hoping that we will give up our invincibility; because otherwise he can’t defeat us…and we know he’s a defeated foe! ETERNAL INVINCIBILITY…WOW! So stand! Invincible= unbeatable, unshakeable, unconquerable!

My message to you is a reminder that: You’ve been chosen!
*You’ve been chosen to take authority over your problems and challenges. You’ve been given the keys to the kingdom, instructions on how to overcome any problem.
*Again, you’ve been chosen to do some special things that only YOU can do at a special time, and you HAVE TO do them. Don’t MISS your window.
*You’ve been chosen to speak to some people in certain situations and you HAVE TO speak to them.
*You’ve been chosen to spread the good news of God and you HAVE TO do it.
*You’ve been chosen to love your neighbor as yourself and you HAVE TO do it.
*You’ve been chosen to pray for others and you HAVE To pray for them.
*You’ve been chosen to set the Godly example and you HAVE TO set it.
*You’ve been chosen to stand and fight for the kingdom of God and you HAVE TO stand and fight.
*You’ve been chosen for many things… but especially for such a time as this, but you HAVE TO take action! I’m so glad! Love Sister Elaine Davenport

ADDENDUM……… I say this with the greatest humility for to God be the Glory……..
As many of you know this letter began many months ago when I found out that three young friends had been diagnosed with cancer. My heart was touched. Vivid memories of the terrible brain tumor that tried to take me down (and failed) came rushing back. I knew that they needed encouragement so I began to write them to tell them how they could look to God for their healings. Faith strengthened and healing came profoundly and the letter continued. Eventually it began to reach more and more people into the higher hundreds.

This letter is also Online. It goes all over the world now to Japan, to Germany, to Iraq, to Puerto Rico and I understand even to Sweden; as well as the United States. God is Awesome! I was as shocked as you are when I found out that the letter was traveling; but I shouldn’t have been!

Last month, when the Victory letter was sent out ONLINE (the same one that you received)… an email came back immediately from Atlanta, Georgia. It was from a wonderful longtime friend Cynthia Johnson who was frustrated! (My friend Cynthia formed a foundation to feed children in Africa.) Bless God that she recently formed a partnership with Bruce Wilkinson who wrote The Prayer of Jabez; to plant well over one hundred thousand gardens in Africa! )

Well Cynthia told me that the letter arrived just in time and that she wanted me to agree in prayer with her; as she was stuck in Georgia trying to get to Soweto in Africa. That there was a labor strike and not only was her plane delayed; but she needed to get to Australia for an ordination for an Apostle as well. You know what she said in her email that just really stuck in my heart? She said: “Elaine, I just need you to agree with me in prayer” and then she went on with the problem.

It was Divine that I was on the computer at the exact time that the email came in!


We went off on the devil period point blank and in our email and we demanded that he cease and desist! We called the strike OVER! We called for FAVOR and favor we got! I agreed with Cynthia in Prayer and she with I. We celebrated her Victory and gave thanks! Beforehand…….The next email that I got from her I did not see until the next morning; she said the strike was over and she was on her way to Africa and then Australia. HALLELUJAH! I yelled out something like: GOD IS! We just have to stand in faith! WE CAN do this!


Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16: 15
Dear __________, How are you today? God Bless you and your family. I think about you a lot. I really do. I also pray for you. I don’t know what’s going on but your name keep coming up in my head and you’re on my heart a lot. You are a very nice person. You are a good person. It brings to mind a letter that I received from a dear friend by the name of Ruth Bankston.

Ruth left a message for me on my doorstep one day. I opened it up and it said: Elaine, you are a really nice person. You are a good person; you do so many beneficial things for the community. She went on to imply that I was pretty good at serving others unselfishly…and then she hit me with some words that would change my life. And so, of course; now I am going to say them to you:

Now maybe if you’re reading this letter, you might have a
long list of responses and I’ll say this: Who can tell? (that you’re feeding yourself and those around you spiritually)
I say this to encourage you to share what you know, to pass it on as though it is contagious. PLEASE!

When I read that letter, I was stumped. The question haunted me: What was this all about?... I thought. ( ARE YOU FEEDING YOURSELF SPIRITUALLY?) It really made me think. I felt guilty. What was I doing to myself? It’s a very simple question. I wasn’t even sure what the answer was, but when I became truthful with myself the answer was a FLAT OUT NO, I WAS FEEDING MY FACE (don’t laugh) but not my spirit. I’m just keeping it real ! I didn’t even know it was a problem until Ruth left that note on the doorstep.

That’s when I found out that I was spiritually starved! You see, I had never really thought about it. But from my background in life;
I just knew that there was something to this. Raised from a small child in the Lutheran church; I clearly knew that I was a spirit being.

I started thinking and thinking about that. My investigation led me to a new spiritual level. I took on some new habits. I started reading, hearing and speaking the Word of God and I found out that my spirit was just waiting for me to WAKE UP! I had a new walk, a new talk…I changed. Even after I realized all of this as you probably do too; I had to take extra care to protect myself to KEEP these good habits and to keep my spirit on full.

For those of you who are “seasoned” believers on a sure spiritual track…stay on guard. Don’t let anything get you off track. Don’t let anything slip…. The bible warns us in 1Peter 5: 8

(Peter commands saints to) Be sober, be circumspect, be cool, be marked by self-control, show sound moral judgment (Do it now. It is urgent). Be alert, vigilant, wide awake (Do it now. It is urgent). Your opponent (adversary) like a lion continually roaring and howling, is continuously walking around (pacing back and forth), continuously seeking to drink (you) down and devour (you).

I invite you to begin your own investigation NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE AT OR THINK YOU ARE OR AT. You have to do this my friend. And if you do…your life will get better (yes, it can even get better than it is now) and so will the lives of everyone who comes in contact with you.

I thank God for my friend Ruth Bankston. You see, she took the time to ask me that question and when she did; she gave me a gift. She thought me worthy of it. The gift…that gift was priceless! My life is changed. All because she cared. All because she loved God so much that when He asked her to say that to me…she didn’t blink an eye; she just did it! She had no way of knowing that I was really ready to receive it. I am humbled and I am thankful. If you don’t believe me, feed your spirit to see if my words are true. In the meantime, if you’ll just pass this gift on- you’ll be Blessed. Thank you and stay in touch. Love Sister Elaine
