Thursday, March 22, 2007

Don't take YOUR faith for granted!

Hi! Most of us don't realize that we have to work on our faith every single day; but we do. Before I knew this; when an emergency came up I just said a quick 20 second prayer to God and walked around quiet and worried all day. The fact that I was walking around worrying; wasn't faith. I thought it was.

However, the bible says "If you believe that you receive WHEN you ask for it, then you shall have it." Most people either don't know it or believe it, because I meet people all day long every single day who are worried, obsessing about something or another.

In fact, some of them are praying people who for whatever reason forget this. Old habits are hard to break for some; but I choose NOT to worry about anything that I ask God for that is in His Word; because He said: The desire of the righteous (right standing) shall be granted!

So when you see me, you'll see a happy camper; never a sad sack! Not Ever! So I encourage you to not take your faith for granted but to read the Word of God and build yourself up in your faith. WORK ON IT DAILY! That way, when something happens to you or someone that you know, your faith, your believing what you can't see; will get you past the problem!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you go lady. that was right on target. I needed to hear that. I am a beleiver but sometimes I get weak.