Thursday, March 15, 2007


Healing: Family matters, relationships & communications…

My grace is enough; it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness. (Message Bible)
Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. KJV

Blessings to you!

It is my prayer that this letter finds you well. Just know that is what God wants for you; for you to be well. I am certain of it. I really am. I just wanted to drop you a note and tell you that I’m thinking of you and praying for you

I think one of the most important things to each of us is our family relationships. God’s family is important to Him and your family is important to Him as well. He says so in His Word.

For many of us, it is our ground where we will be tested. Tested in terms of our love for others which is one of the two commandments that Jesus left in the New Testament.

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Webster’s 1828 dictionary describes neighbor as:

One of the human race; any one that needs our help, or to whom we have an opportunity of doing good.

Certainly we have a greater opportunity to include our family in this definition.

But, family matters, communications and relationships are very important and it is an area where if we aren’t careful, we could slip. I guess it’s because we are sort of forced by circumstances to communicate and exchange with a variety of different personalities with different agendas. Sometimes the fact that people have different sets of values, ideas, likes, dislikes beliefs, motives, pressures, goals and outcomes cause us to judge them. We find ourselves saying: “Why did he/she do that? Or why did he/she say this?” (Etc.) In families, words and feelings travel fast and it’s a ripe place for misunderstandings and hostility as well as hurt feelings if we aren’t careful.

My brother had really made me mad one day and as I was trying to think what I would do next; I realized that I would have to repent for being mad and THEN forgive him sincerely. THEN I had to make a genuine decision to love him just as much as I did before he made me mad, THEN I had to mean it with all my heart. God gifted me with him as a brother and that means so much to me.

You may be wondering how you are going to fix things in your life in your family, but DO NOT WORRY. Have Faith! God will help you. Maybe you’re not at fault, but that is even better if YOU CAN fix things. Now some matters may not be so easy to clean up, but we’ve got to do it and the bible says that His grace is sufficient for you to do it. So I’m just writing to ask you to think about this and if there is any family matter, relationship or maybe even the way that you communicate or consider your family that needs a tune-up, correction or reconstruction that you attend to it.

God says in His word that He is there for you, and HE says because you believe and constantly seek Him, you will have a reward! Now think: If the government said there is a reward for something, you know that if you met the criteria; you would get the reward! It’s pretty much a fact!

Well God is BIGGER than the government and He says:

Have faith
That will please God
Be persistent and diligent in seeking Him
He WILL reward you

I pray for you that the healing power of God manifests in every area of your life; particularly within and around your family matters, communications and relationships this day and each day thereafter. I pray that your family moves closer to God as a whole unit, whether it be one by one or all at once. I pray that immediately solutions of peace present themselves and that everyone in your family will begin to act on those solutions. I pray that anything contrary to peace in your family is immediately rooted out and bound in the authority of Jesus! It’s certain.

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