Saturday, May 26, 2007

Don't misunderstand Righteousness by Allegra Howard, Guest Writer (Saturday, May 26, 2007)

If you were to ask someone if they were righteous, most people without any effort would say: "No." People usually equate righteousness with the goody goody way that you act. But righteousness has nothing to do with the way that you act. Holiness is conduct; and righteousness is what you become when you receive Jesus as Lord. In fact, righteousness is the reason Jesus came to earth because when Adam ate of the tree God commanded him not to eat of mankind immediately experienced a downward spiritual spiral. His nature changed from one that is righteous or in right standing with God to that of a sinner. Also, if we were to label what Adam's nature had become in uncommon terms, we could say that Adam was actually born again from that of a righteousness "er" to that of a sinn "er." So now, rather than having an inward spiritual tendency to do good, he had now inherited an inward nature to do evil. His nature had changed from one that was born of God to that of his illegitimate spiritual stepfather, Satan.



Allegra Howard is a noted writer, minister of the gospel, prayer intercessor and full time graduate student. She wrote and published, In The Garden, about the spiritual significance of The Garden of Eden.
She does freelance writing and is a sought after speaker. She loves the Lord, is born again and spirit filled. She is also a very dear friend.


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