Saturday, April 14, 2007


It's time to decide; time has run out. You are facing your eternity. It doesn't seem like it, but we all are. Right here today you have to decide if you want SMOKING or NON-SMOKING. Don't laugh. Hell or heaven; which do you want? If not you, what do you want for your family? It's high time for you to step out of your comfort zone and say the sinner's prayer for yourself or to pray it with your loved ones. I hate to be so direct but beating around the bush doesn't work. I tried it for years, no can do anymore.


Lord, I know that I've done a lot of wrong things. Maybe they were to myself or to other people but I am sorry Lord and I ask for Your forgiveness. I also know that these sins have kept me from being close to you. So please help me to keep from sinning again. I believe in your son Jesus Christ, that he died for me and carried my sins for me, that they put him in a grave and that on the third day he arose and is alive right now. I'm asking you Lord Jesus to come into my heart right now and to be the master of my life. I accept you as my personal Lord and Savior and I am right now born again. Amen

Now that you (or your loved ones) have said the sinners prayer; I ask you to get into a Bible based church where the Word of God is taught. If you would like more information on what to do next; please leave a comment in the email section and we can mail you out a booklet. We will cover you in our prayers as well.


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