Sunday, May 27, 2007

NO COINCIDENCES by Elaine Davenport (Thursday, May 31, 2007)

(I am begging you to read this letter today ALL the way through…it will BLESS you, I don’t know how, but it will. )

And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.
Matthew 4 v. 19, 20

Dear Friend, God Bless you. How are you doing? I have to tell you, if you are reading this letter, just know that I pray for you and your family every day. I started off praying for my family. Then I added a few people, and a few more and before I knew it, I think there were over two hundred families in my prayer book that I specifically pray for. So I KNOW that “ALL IS WELL” with you. Please remember that when it seems like it isn’t well…it is only temporary and that’s when God wants you to stand on your faith.

It has been a faith filled month for me. One thing that I really learned was about “COINCIDENCES.” I have been trying to tell my children this over and over every day and I won’t get tired ever…I just want them to “get it.”

Let me tell you what happened to me. I was online at a website that gives out free stuff. I was so excited to be able to COLLECT all of this stuff for free. When I prayed, I was really thanking God. But not too long after that; I was led to give away something myself. I kept thinking: I don’t have anything to give away, that’s why I’m getting free stuff from other people. (smile) Then, I remembered that we had this Brand New Power Sprayer by Wagner that we paid good money for.

So, since we never used it, I checked with John to see if it was okay to give it away. After he said okay, I posted it as AVAILABLE at the various sites. I wasn’t prepared for the onslaught of mail! I was swamped with mail. I read over 90 emails and decided to give it to a young couple. I put it on my porch and they came and got it. Anyway, I was online later and I received an email from a girl who lived way out somewhere. She wanted to know if the Power Sprayer was still left. I promptly wrote her back to say that the POWER SPRAYER was long gone.

I’m going to call her Betty to protect her confidence. Betty wrote me right back.
“Thank You for responding so promptly.”
Then she said something very unusual. Now let me tell you first that I don’t talk to people online. Very rarely. She said:

I have six children, a job at the foundry and I walk to work. I have no car. I can fix cars and I need one. If you know of anyone with a car; please email me and let me know. God Bless you.

Well, I thought about it, I felt bad for her. Personally, I needed a car too and I can’t fix them. But, I knew what I could do to help.
I wrote her back and said: “I’ll be praying for you. Trust in God. He will help you. He will favor you. Trust Him. He will come through. “ Guess what? I meant it!
Remember what Peter said: Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have I give to thee….(so I gave her a boost of faith)

She wrote back and said: “Thank you, you’re right. I’d forgotten. I guess God wanted you to tell me that.”
I wrote her back and said: “REMEMBER THAT HE IS A GOD OF SUDDENLY.”
I kept telling her to EXPECT a car.

We agreed to stand in agreement that God would come through in the Name (Authority) of Jesus Christ. I then told her that I had to go. I knew that God would move, but the truth is she was a strange to me and I didn’t expect to know exactly when she got the car that we agreed that she was going to get. Well as soon as I got off the email there was an ad for a FREE CAR! I WISH THAT YOU COULD HAVE BEEN THERE. I wrote the people about Betty’s circumstances and asked them to SAVE the car for her. They didn’t know ME! Now mind you, it didn’t matter whether they knew me or not. God was in control. The last time that I heard from Betty was a day later.

She was emailing me to tell me that she was on her way to pick up the car and the title. I sent her back a HALLELUJAH and I never heard from her again. To tell you what a miracle it was, right after that my whole email files were wiped out and there wasn’t going to be any way to get in touch with her. But please see two things: Our jobs are to receive, but it is far better to give. We are equipped with valuable knowledge of God and it’s our job to encourage people in their faith and to REMEMBER that….THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES! Please, take some time to think about this story and about your own coincidences. If you want a copy of any letter from a prior month, let me know. Be Well Elaine Davenport


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